BrandShield Blog

Shining a Light: Combating Darknet Risks to Brands

Written by Yuval Zantkeren | Aug 15, 2024 12:15:54 PM

In today's digital age, the internet is a vital part of our lives, offering access to endless information and opportunities. Yet, beneath its surface lies a hidden, more sinister space: the dark web. This obscure network presents significant risks to brands, making it essential for companies to recognize and shield themselves from the dangers that lurk within.

Cybercriminals exploit the anonymity and encryption of the dark web to trade stolen data, such as login credentials, credit card information, and intellectual property. The volume of compromised data circulating in this shadowy realm is vast, with billions of credentials believed to be available.

Despite its complexities and obscurity, dismissing the dark web's threats can be perilous. Operating beyond regular web browsing and search engines, the dark web is not well understood by many, contributing to a dangerous complacency. This lack of awareness can allow dark web-originated threats to go unnoticed and unaddressed, posing a continuous risk to individuals and organizations alike.

What is the Dark Web exactly?

The internet is broadly divided into three main layers: the clearnet, the deep web, and the dark web. The clearnet is the part of the internet most familiar to us, comprising all the searchable sites indexed by search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These are the publicly accessible websites we all visit every day.

Beyond the clearnet lies the deep web, which includes all the content that search engines cannot index. This includes private databases, intranets, and password-protected areas not accessible to the general public - but are not necessarily illegal or nefarious.

A smaller, more concealed part of the deep web is known as the dark web. This segment is intentionally hidden and requires specific software and encryption techniques to access. The dark web is often associated with illegal activities, including but not limited to cybercrime

Here's a simple diagram to illustrate these parts of the internet:

The dark web utilizes a technique called onion routing: the layering of encryption to secure internet traffic through multiple nodes, obscuring the origin and destination of data. While this technology offers privacy protection, it also facilitates the growth of illicit activities by shielding users from detection.

To access the dark web, users must employ specialized software like Tor (The Onion Router), which conceals their identity and encrypts their internet traffic. Many users also combine Tor with VPNs and virtual machines for added layers of anonymity and security.

Threats to Brands on the Dark Web

The dark web presents diverse threats, categorized into three main types of attacks that target both individuals and companies:

Data Leaks and Sales:

Cyber threats can impact both individuals and organizations in devastating ways. For individuals, threat actors often access and trade Personal Identifiable Information (PII), leaving people vulnerable to identity theft, privacy breaches, and significant financial losses. Such incidents can drastically undermine the trust and reputation of the brands involved.

For organizations, the consequences of leaked corporate credentials and sensitive documents are profound. Unauthorized access to accounts and the exposure of critical intellectual property and business strategies can lead to major security breaches. Not only does this compromise the security of the organization, but it also gives competitors potentially unfair advantages.

Moreover, cybercriminals are increasingly using ransomware to encrypt a brand's data, adding another layer of threat. This method locks companies out of their own data and demands payment, further amplifying the risks and potential damages associated with cyber attacks.

Direct Attacks:

Phishing kits: are pre-packaged tools crafted by threat actors to impersonate legitimate brands and deceive customers into providing personal information, resulting in identity theft and financial losses. This not only tarnishes a brand's trustworthiness but is akin to selling guns to terrorists, as it equips malicious entities with the tools they need to inflict damage and chaos.

DDoS Attacks: Apart from being used for extortion, DDoS attacks are also deployed directly to sabotage a company's online services, resulting in operational disruptions and financial detriment.

By comprehending these threats and their implications, brands can better strategize their cybersecurity measures to protect both their and their customers' interests effectively.

AT&T Fell Victim to Dark Web Attacks

Telecommunications giant AT&T suffered a significant data breach affecting over 70 million customers, where personal information such as social security numbers, names, addresses, and account details was leaked on the dark web. The breach is especially significant given AT&T's status as a global telco giant that invests tremendous resources in cybersecurity. This underscores ongoing vulnerabilities in cybersecurity and in particular the utility of the dark web for such threat actors. Consequently, considering this domain is necessary as part of a well-rounded and dynamic cybersecurity strategy.

Protecting Your Brand with BrandShield

BrandShield's Dark Web Monitoring solution dives into the internet's hidden corners to identify and neutralize threats to your brand’s reputation. By using a comprehensive approach that combines advanced scraping techniques, APIs, and human intelligence, BrandShield explores various dark web sources, including specialized forums and websites, to analyze and distill vast data into actionable insights for your security team. 

BrandShield’s Darkweb monitoring covers a wide range of risks, from leaked credentials and sensitive personal data to intellectual property and ransomware-damaged documents, tracking secretive communication threads and infiltrating deep web communities to offer early warnings of credential theft, data breaches, and other malicious actions, enabling swift and effective responses. 

BrandShield provides critical visibility into the dark web's covert networks, enhancing defenses and protecting your organizations' most valuable assets, confidently navigating dark web complexities and combating digital threats.

Protect your brand from dark web threats and contact us today.