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SEO and Marketing

SEO and Marketing /
Building Authority Helps Build your Brand
Today, just having a bleeding edge website doesn't quite cut it when it comes to building your brand. Brands need to go beyond, by establishing themselves as an authority. It it this authority that...
SEO and Marketing /
How has the Internet Changed how Counterfeiters Operate?
To those of us who have been dealing with counterfeits for many years, the way counterfeiters operate on the Internet is markedly different. You might even say that counterfeit operations were...
SEO and Marketing /
Stopping the Invisible Thieves and Protecting your Brand
Your product launched last week and you've been getting great press, you've made some great business partnerships with some of the largest vendors, and people are talking about your brand. Your...
SEO and Marketing /
Infringement ghosts - how do Meta Tags steal your money?
What are Meta Tags? Meta Tags are hidden content in websites HTML code. Website visitors cannot see those tags on the website. They have been key elements in website search engine optimization (SEO)...
Marketing Budget /
What Fighting Counterfeiting Has To Do With Your Marketing Budget
In light of Alibaba's recent record-breaking IPO on Wall St., whatever you think of it, it points to a sign that eCommerce is exploding, with no end in sight. With this explosion comes another type...
SEO and Marketing /
Detecting PPC Violations is Critical to Online Brand Protection
Online brand abuse is becoming more and more common. This is especially prevalent for those marketers using PPC ads. Online pirates such as unauthorized resellers, phony websites and other cyber...