Phishing Attacks
Follow the Money: Financial Services Are A Target for Phishing Scams
Scammers are focused on monetary gain, which leads to phishing attacks targeting companies that provide financial services. A few months ago, mobile phishing campaigns targeted customers of a long...
BrandShield Systems plc set to join London Stock Exchange
Why BrandShield chose to trade on the London Stock Exchange
Protecting Your Brand
The Fight Against Corporate Social Media Engineering And Fraud
Our main online hangouts are also the focal point for hackers looking to take advantage of any vulnerabilities. That is true for social media, one of the main online activities which is expected to...
Brand Protection
BrandShield 2020: Where next?
In 2011, we wrote a paper discussing a major problem: We noticed that brands struggle with assigning who’s responsible for brand protection to the right department within the organization.
Business Security
Winning Back Your Business with Anti-Phishing Solutions
Over the past few years, phishing attacks have become more versatile, sophisticated, and dangerous. In order to win the battle against these fraudsters, the anti-phishing solutions we choose must...
Anti-Phishing Solutions
Anti-Phishing On Alert: The Solution to Corporate Phishing Scams
Phishing scams have been around for such a long time, it almost feels as though phishing emails were invented the day after the first email was sent. Scammers take advantage of employees’ naivety and...
Social Media
Unfriending Hackers: Social Media Networks Are A Cybercrime Playground
There are 3.8 billion active social media users today, with 321 million joining the party this past year. They are used to chat, learn, make new friends and stay in touch with old ones, attend live...
Brand Protection
The Distribution Plan That’ll Help Your Customers Avoid Counterfeits
Most marketing departments focus all their attention on talking about their product with consumers. They hopefully make the product irresistible to consumers. That’s their job. The job of the brand...
How Levi’s ® caught the phishing scam to protect their online shoppers
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed practically every aspect of our lives and had a strong influence on our online habits. With everyone staying at home according to local restrictions, adjusting to...
Bogus Apps Collect Private Data
With the popularity and convenience of shopping on-line, it should be of no surprise that counterfeiters would find new ways to cheat consumers and damage brand names.